APAAR ID Consent form for Class IX to XII Students-2024-25
Continue ReadingAnnual Exam Timetable
Timetables can be downloaded from the following links: ANNUAL TIMETABLE – MONTESSORI. ANNUAL TIMETABLE CLASS – I TO IX AND XI
Continue ReadingTimetable 2021-22
Montessori and Class I, II Timetable 2021-22 Class III-XII Timetable 2021-22
Continue ReadingAnnual Exam 2020-21 Timetable
Annual Examination 2020-21 Time Table can be downloaded from the following links: MONT ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2020 ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2020
Continue ReadingVirtual Science Exhibition-2021
Virtual Science Exhibition-2021 was organized at St. Xavier’s High School, Bharni, Bilaspur. The theme of exhibition was “Know and Grow”. It was conducted so that students can explore the scientific skills and develop an awareness towards Science and it’s developments with respect innovation, creativity and applicability. Students have participated with much of enthusiasm and passion…
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